Licensing Agreement

Licensing Agreement

Piwi’s Minisuite – README.TXT FILE

Copyright (C) 2010-2012 by Dipl. Inf. Peter Matschke
All content in this file may not be copied (partly or as a whole), or re-used in other applications (e.g. suite spin-offs), without the express written permission of the copyright holder(s)


Piwi’s Minisuite is a hobby product. I developed it, to learn and get a feeling of new functions and possibilitys, i need for my work. So it will not compete with other software out in the market.

Piwi’s Minisuite is a application designed to have all on hand in a little application. That means, that this application comprised all the functions “I” needed for my daily work and is very useful at my home pc.
You need only a handful of files in a folder to run.

Installation of Piwi’s Minisuite is easy. Unpack the zipfile in a folder you wish.

There is one thing.

You must have a eye on it, that you installed the suite in a folder, where you have full control of it.

Some parts of the application, like the diagrameditor as example, must have the right to create a subfolder under the folder the Minisuite is installed. If he don’t have the rights, you cannot add own created symbols to your own diagram library.
Piwi’s Minisuite is designed to work on a stick, so i have my organizer, office and other applications i needed everytime with me.
At the moment it needs round about 30-50 mb of diskspace.

Piwi’s Minisuite V 0.8.0.x is free for privat use.

In Piwi’s Minisuite you found the following sub applications
Image Viewer

Some other parts are in developement and i will write about it, if they are ready.

At the moment you can download Piwi’s Minisuite V 0.8.0.x beta.
That means, that the application may change, may have bugs .
Keep in mind, that the software dataformats may change (writer, diagram not, but eventually calculation -> can be exported and imported again).
If you download the software, read this License agreement carefully, before you download.

You get no warranty and support only in my forum or on a mail base.
It is not a commercial product, where you can expect that.

The latest version of Piwi’s Minisuite can be downloaded from

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